These programs focus on the power of inclusion and resonating with the cause. They have resulted in sensitizing around 20000 general public and corporate, on how to engage with Hearing Impaired individuals.

To make the larger audience connected with the deaf community, Vaani deaf Children’s Foundation started a concept,‘Haath Se Baat Kar Campaign’ with IT companies and CSR wings of various leading organizations. Vaani being a technically experienced organization in dealing with childhood deafness, advocated employees through face to face interactions, on how people can become part of the hearing-impaired community, by learning sign language.

Disaster Management

Collaborating with partners who are working on Disaster management and sensitizing them on different techniques to engage with children with hearing impairment. The flood report of Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) issued on the evening of 15 August 2017 stated that about 33.3 lakh people in 3,186 villages/localities were

Teach for the Deaf

Bringing knowledge and experience among the regular citizens on ‘Childhood Deafness’. The idea is to create a movement of leaders that collectively help solve the problem of inequalities in access to communication and language for deaf children and give an integrated and holistic view of meaningful engagement for deaf kids.