Folks, these are testing times for each and every one of us. Imagine a fellow Indian who is unable to express one’s fears to even their loved ones. It would be scary, right? We at VAANI have been helping deaf children and their parents to communicate and understand each other in this challenging situation.

VAANI team is using digital medium for bridging the communication gap between Hearing Impaired children and their parents. It should help them to better understand each other and develop a strong emotional bond, which is very necessary to overcome the inevitable boredom of present lockdown period. The Indian Sign Language (ISL) skills and the emotional bonding will stay with them throughout their life, even after the COVID-19 crisis is blown over.

Chief of Indian Institute of Public Health has also stressed on the need for special attention to disabled people during the Corona Virus Outbreak. Crucial life-saving information related to COVID-19  is being circulated by VAANI team using ISL. So our beneficiary families can keep themselves and the community around them safe.

VAANI has been working at various levels with several stakeholders to empower deaf children to live a life of Dignity and Respect. During the lockdown, we are keeping in constant touch with parents and planning lessons for HI children through Virtual media such as WhatsApp, and Audio Calls. Lessons are also designed for spreading knowledge of ISL to the general public.

Virtual media knowhow and the material developed would enable VAANI to reach a vast number of needy, but sparsely spread out countryside population. By using virtual formats, we are making sure to do our bit to improve the lives of deaf children and their families.


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Our Safety Our Rights

“We are first-generation learners. We have to walk through the forest and other villages every day and we do not find it safe.”  “There are no toilets in our school, forcing us to relieve ourselves outside. Not only are we teased by boys from our school, but outsiders as well.” 

Understanding POSCO Act

Child sexual abuse is sadly rampant in India.  There are daily reports in the press of children, sometimes as young as six months, being raped or gang-raped and then being killed. For several years, the judicial processes were more aimed at adult victims, they were cumbersome and lengthy, and families