Through these training, the Anganwadi and Asha workers are sensitised on the issue of childhood deafness and learn how to identify deaf children in the community, techniques on counselling parents and if they find any Hearing impaired child where to refer and guide them for intervention.

Early Intervention-Parent Infant Programme (0-3 years)

The Early Intervention begins soon after a baby has been diagnosed with hearing loss. To provide services for families of hearing-impaired infants, the Parent-Infant Program (PIP) was established. Enthusiasm for PIP emerged from the concept that children advance to the best of their abilities when their emerging speech, language and

‘Hath Se Bate Kar’

These programs focus on the power of inclusion and resonating with the cause. They have resulted in sensitizing around 20000 general public and corporate, on how to engage with Hearing Impaired individuals. To make the larger audience connected with the deaf community, Vaani deaf Children’s Foundation started a concept,‘Haath Se